Monday, 3 November 2014

Our Inquiry about Rubbish

This is our Wonder Wall. We made Oscar in the rubbish bin and put our ideas that we wanted to find out.

This is our heading banner and ideas that we know about what happens to the rubbish we make.

We are going to look at the rubbish in our lunch boxes and find out the types of wrappings and food scraps we have.
These are the types of rubbish we found in our lunch boxes.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Making Fairy Bread

Travis and Aaliyah are starting to make fairy bread.

They put on the chocolate and rainbow sprinkles.

The margarine helps the sprinkles stick.

They add the mini marshmallows too. 

What colours do you like on your fairy bread?

 Look at our fairy bread ready to eat. YUM!

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Using our new wood-work tables.

 Travis is making a hole in the wood with the drill.
Kingsley is hammering a nail in the wood. She knows how to hold the hammer safely.

We are learning how to hold the saw to keep it straight.

Mr Cooper is helping Ethan to use the drill. They hold it straight.

Deziah is really good at using the hammer.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Our School Cross Country

We lined up in our house groups.
We stayed in our age-group lines

After our race we had fruit to eat.

The 5 and 6 year old girls were ready to race. Off we go!

The boys are ready for their race. Some of our parents came to watch us run. It was fun.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Crazy Hair Day In Room 6

We had fun this week putting on Hair Gel to spike our Hair.

We coloured our hair with spray to make it awesome colours.

We made ourselves pose with weird faces.

We laughed and had fun.

Some of us did our hair in different styles to make us look special.

Ethan loves green so he came with green hair. Cool!

Hair today - Changed tomorrow.

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Our Visit to the Museum

We are waiting for the bus to take us to the Museum. We are going to look at olden day toys. Some of our Dads were helpers.

We had fun looking through this viewer to see 3D Photographs.

Jax is playing with the wooden monkey which does flips.

Ethan is using the tiny sewing machine. You have to turn the handle to make the needle go up and down.

Jax is putting the tins on top of one another to make a tower. The tins have pictures all around them.

We really liked playing with lots of spinning tops. They went fast. We had to pull the string to make them go.

Te Huatahi is challenging himself to get as many hoops over the sticks. It was hard and we would need to practice.

We played with a wooden ball. We had to throw the ball to land on the circle. The Dad's tried but it was too hard for all of us.

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Fun in our class.

We love using the flip hundred's board to work out numbers.

We have a racing car track. We have to put it together like a giant puzzle and worked out what parts go together to join back up at the finish.

We have put our lego into trays so we can see the pieces we need to build things.

We had a visiting Basketball player who helped us to play the game. Te Huatahi was really good and scored 2 Goals.

These two proud children got certificates at Whole School Assembly. Well done!

Monday, 9 June 2014

Hockey and Spirit Day

We started playing Hockey last week. We have been looking forward to this because we have been watching the senior children and it looked great fun. We had to remember lots of things but if we paractise it will get easier.

Last Friday we had Mufti Day to raise money for the senior class camps. We liked seeing what each of us chose to wear. This was our School Spirit Day.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

We are practising our maths on the Maths Buddy Website. Click here to have a look.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Welcome to our Term 2 Blog.

We have started the term with a class of new children. We have four children in our class at the moment but will have more friends starting school each week.

Here are the children in our class enjoying milk at the start of the day outside our room.

Sarah made this Rabbit Mask by reading the instructions in her book on her first day at school.
Ethan and Jax have become friends at school. They love using the cars and blocks on the road map.
We have started going to our new school library. We look at the books and choose some to take back to our room. We like reading in our class.
We think Jax is a good artist. Jax is painting a picture. We like to mix the colours and see how it turns out.
We were having fun drawing on the large whiteboard with markers. Ethan drew a picture of our Teacher Mrs Budge.
We have a game of Jack Straws in our room. Tyson is carefully lifting up a piece using the hook tool. It is a game like 'pick-up-sticks'.
We are learning to play some 'Old Style Games'.

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Reading and Duffy Books

Rhylee and Riley collected our Duffy Books at the Duffy Assembly to take back to our class.
We got some great Duffy Books to read, take home and keep.

Our class love to read the books in our pick-boxes. They are books we know how to read ourselves.

Reading is very important in our classroom. We are all getting better at reading by ourselves.